helllloooo friend! 


are you also a longevity enthusiast?  🥳😘

hi, i'm sarah, 

that often 


girl that's been sewn together with the best of intentions. 

maybe you can relate?

I've been sewing my clothes since high school (...almost 20 years now 🫣) and dove into the world of heirloom sewing towards the end of college (around fall 2010 ish). I'm quite the onion from majoring in mechanical engineering, studying ballet, being the mother to my four babies, operating several sawmills, doing endless home renovation projects... 

the list goes on and on and I've summed up my story.

thousands of hours 

hundreds of garments

daisy's wild flower shadow embroidered dress (135+ hours)

everly's lavender fields shadow embroidered dress (582+ hours)

monet inspired shadow 

embroidered jacket (195+ hours)

audrey's antique shadow

embroidered dress

silk dupioni bands (inspired 

by a 1920s wedding dress)

Here are some more of my works.

And yes, I really do have hundreds at this point and

will one day create a museum type setup to display them. 


Not because I think my garments are anything special, 

but more in attempt to inspire others to unleash their creativity. 

If you want to join me on this museum project, please let me know. 

I do have enough garments to begin. 

so what are some of my goals?

1. to join a team. 

Sure, I have some skills, but I also believe in the African proverb, 

"if you want to go fast, go alone. if you want to go far, go together." 

I'm tired of being a one-person act and would love to contribute 

to something bigger than myself. I'm sick of playing by myself! Ha! 

Grow personally while contributing to larger projects.

2. acquire a book publisher. I have three books in the works that I (humbly) believe the world needs! 

first book

the game of life: fueled by art 

This book is about 80% done and I could finish it in about a month's time. 

What is is about? How to live your best life by becoming your best friend so you can play this game of life fueled by art to your fullest potential! 

Fundamental concepts presented in a fresh, simplistic way that'll reprogram your subconscious leading to lasting change. 

second book

uncaged: don't get married*

*especially if you aren't emotionally intelligent 

I think I can now make the case that involving the law into your romantic relationship opens up vulnerabilities, so for that reason alone, don't get married. But especially if you aren't emotionally intelligent, marriage is just fuel on an already dangerous fire. I walk you through the process of how my marriage went from a 12-year-honeymoon-roaring-fire supportive loving relationship to nada. 

third book
the machines we are 
(okay, admittedly, this is more of a fun read than a self-improvement book)

This is an idea that I've had muttling in my mind since those middle/high school years. 
I've combined those thoughts with the emerging AI to create a fun, inteeresting read 
(at least I think so). 

3. sewing museum

Again, this could begin now since I have enough works to fill a whole house! Baby gowns, Easter, Christmas, plenty of other holidays, lots of sparkle, NC State Fair Best in Show, lots of shadow embroidery (and embroidery in general), plenty of smocking... and even some women's wear! 

And of course, I'll be sewing daily for the rest of my life. Those moments in the early morning before your kiddos wake up, while waiting for an appointment, in the car circle pick up line, etc... all of that adds up! 

And this is my why for wanting to create such a museum - not because I think my garments are terribly special, but instead, to show what daily (ish) dedication to something results over the course of a month, a year, 5 years, a life time! 

Countless times throughout my life, I've been told that 

I'm one of the hardest working and most capable person that folks have met. 

Sure, I have plenty of flaws (website design, understanding finances, how to grow an audience, social media, pronouncing words correctly... etc), but not knowing how to preserver with something and give it my all ain't one! 

please contact me at 

sarahclassicsewing @ gmail.com 

if you'd like to partner up, thanks!

discover more

my story

my sewing portfolio highlights

some longevity 

goals and dreams