welcome to my easter 2022 fabric haul
so this year we're sewing up three easter dresses and some adorable tbd accessories for sweet henry boy.
let's start with audrey's dress.
I'm going to do a dotted sorta pattern (making it up as I go along... can you tell? ha!) using this beautiful pink swiss batiste as the base of the dress and then adding this delightful white cotton as a skirt overlay.
my photo isn't doing this pink justice... it's gorgeous, light, soft... everything you'd want for an heirloom dress. there's pink fabrics for all the dresses this year, and while they are all beautiful shades of pink, this one is my favorite.
after the make: who is this grown child with clip on pearl earrings and heels??

then there's sweet daisy's dress ...ohmy! 😍
so her dress also has two layers - the outermost being mostly whites and the lining a lovely pink shade.
her skirt is planned to be a fully gathered, pieced together assembly of these delicious materials: lily of the valley embroidered organdy, white dotted swiss voile, and these two laces that (I think) I'm going to join to make one statement lace band.
I also got some white Italian organdy as well as this lovely pink nelona... one of my favorite fabrics!
finally... check out the hem of her dress!! so excited about this sweet make!
after the make: sugar and spice and everything nice!

finally, my last first-easter dress for baby everly
very bittersweet moment over here... making my last first easter outfit for my final baby. how did we get here?? goodness, it's been a rocky road, but I look back very grateful for all these healthy, beautiful babies. motherhood has taught and challenged me endlessly, and it's nice being able to come up for air as the final baby grows into a toddler. definitely bittersweet.
so what does this final dress entail? all the smocking.
a fully smocked bodice situation that extends into a skirt.
continuous. simple. beautiful.
to say that this overlay is gorgeous is really not doing it justice. it's a swiss embroidered flounce - white embroidery on a touch of pink organdy. divine!
and then spechler vogel's nelona is one of my all-time favorites. delish!
I'm going to pleat the two fabrics together, and then I think I'll make a lace sleeve out of this lovely edging.
after the make: do y'all see this sweet heirloom cloud?? 😍

finally, I'm going to make a sweet bonnet out of this lovely edging,
and then muscle up a set of suspenders and bowtie for sweet Henry.
after the make: bonnet + henry update
for the life of me, I couldn't get Everly to wear her sweet bonnet long enough to snap a photo. so that's still a work in progress.
meanwhile, despite joining forces with my husband, the two of us could not button that top button on henry's shirt. seriously.
we've flown our white flag. it's a good thing he's cute!